04 November 2007

PyChess Philidor beta

After the by far longest PyChess development cycle, version Philidor beta, codenamed 0.8 beta, has been released!

Download from: http://gnomefiles.org/app.php/PyChess

Screenshots: http://pychess.googlepages.com/screenshots

The long development time covers a close to total rewrite, the most throughout testing for a PyChess release yet, and a massive new base of features. Many of which users have been screaming since the first alpha of PyChess.

The new features includes, but are not restricted to:

  • FICS online Internet play.
  • Undo and pause functions.
  • Support for UCI engines like Fruit, Glaurung and Shredder.
  • Ability to turn analysers on/off, and to decide which engines should be used.
  • An "Enter game" in pgn dialog.
  • New fast start greeting screen.
  • A 30x faster built in python engine.
  • Internationalized or figure pieces in notation .
  • Optional sounds.
  • A comments side panel that helps you understand the moves made.
  • Pychess now use Launchpad Rosetta for i18n

It should be noted, however, that even though the FICS implementation is generally very stable, it hasn't yet got support for chatting and console communication. Thus it should be used with some care.

We encourage everyone to try out the release, and report the bugs (if any) you find.

If you'd like to see PyChess translated into your language, you can help us from the web interface at https://translations.launchpad.net/pychess/trunk/+pots/pychess

And remember: "The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; Several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and strengthened by it" - Benjamin Franklin, 1779

Thanks, Pychess team


Anonymous said...

Great work! Looking forward to the final release...

Anonymous said...

You should blog more often!